A credit card is required for first time bookings to hold your appointment only and will NOT be charged until the service is completed. A 50% no show fee will be charged to your card only if you cancel within the 24 hour time frame (unless related to illness or emergency -we do understand unplanned emergencies and illness happens!). Please review our infection control policy below and cancellation policy before booking!
If your benefit plan does not cover services at 100% or if you do not have appropriate coverage, the balance due will be applied to your credit card.
Email to book or enquire about availability outside business hours or if you have a special date or event in mind.
Zenergistic usually responds within 1-2 hours to your call during business hours!
Masks are no longer a requirement by massage therapists however, if you would like your therapist to wear a mask, please make this request prior to their arrival.
Please reschedule your appointment if you are feeling unwell for ANY reason. At the time of booking, the client understands and agrees to Zenergistic's CANCELLATION POLICY if feeling unwell the day of the appointment.
Do not book your appointment, or please reschedule your appointment, if you answer yes to the following (these questions are also in your client waiver).
Copyright © 2024 Zenergistic Mobile Massage & Reflexology - All Rights Reserved.
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Thank you for visiting! Zenergistic no longer serves the Bow Valley area as owner/RMT, Lorel Hammerstad has returned to Edmonton. If you are in the Edmonton area and would like to book a mobile in-home massage, reflexology or discuss your next event chair massage.